An IP address, such as, is a numerical identifier that identifies a computer network that communicates using the Internet Protocol. An IP address has two key functions: it identifies the network interface and it addresses the location.
Ip = internet protocol address
what is ip address
Types of IP address
Public ip addres
Private ip address
Static ip address
Dynamic ip address
Public ip
Private ip
Static ip
Dynamic ip
It is used in WAN
It is used in LAN
It is fixed ip
It will changed
world area network
local area network
This is also resolved when you restart your phone.
When you use mobile data and open what is my IP in your browser, then open (aeroplane mode) ip will change.
types of ip address
how to hack system
open kali linux
kali linux machine
open another metaspolit in virtual box
metasploitable machine
You must first install Kali Linux in virtual box or VMware, then install Metaspolit. Finally, you must login to Kali Linux as well as Metaspolit.
now discover metaspolit's ip address in kali linux
In Kali Linux, I used this command to determine Metaspolit's network ip address.
open kali linux termial as a root user
sudo su( change the user to root privalige)
after that, type netdiscover ( how many network are connected in our range)
netdiscover (scanning the range network)
type netdiscover -f or netdiscover (discover fast scan in the network)
Wait a few minutes and you will receive an IP address, which you will discover is not the same as this (,, Last 1, 2, and 254 are always near the router range, thus victim machine is not possible.
ping ip address
ping of that ip address which is your victim machine
Ping the IP address to see if the computer is up and running. The address 7 received 0 packet loss indicating the system is ON, as can be seen by the 7 packets you submitted.
nmap TCP scan victim ip address
now used nmap to scan the ip address of the victim system
we are using default port scan
tcp and port scan
now we are using full TCP and PORT scan in nmap
now we are doing syn scan for bypass the firewall detection